Vadym Dnestranskiy

Vadym Dnestranskiy


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Doctorate degree in Medicine.

General Member of Ukraine Dental Association.

Conducts an appointment at the department in Poznyaki Osokorki.

Author of 13 scientific works, 4 of them are foreign, 6 works of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine and in foreign scientometric databases (Google Scholar, E-library, Index Copernicus).

He has 2 patents of intellectual property for treatment methods, 12 acts of implementation in the treatment regimen in medical institutions of Ukraine.

Work experience is 15 years.

Educational background:

Graduated from Kharkov National Medical University

Area of specialty, scope of activities:

  • Modern methods of prosthetics on liv teeth
  • Smile correction with ceramic and composite veneers
  • Microprosthesis using an operating microscope
  • Press ceramic, dioxide-zirconium, metal-ceramic fixed and conditionally removable orthopedic constructions
  • Implant prostodontics (Straumann, Megagen, MIS, NeoBiotech)
  • Complete and partial removable prosthetics (acrylic, nylon, acetal, clasp prostheses on attachments, telescopic dental crowns and supporting-retaining clamps, including multi-link constructions)
  • Orthopedic treatment of abnormal abrasion
  • Individual sporting mouthguards

Scientific activities of orthopedist:

13 scientific works – 4 of which are foreign ones, 6 works of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine and in foreign research databases (Google Scholar, E-library, Index Copernicus).

Holds 2 patents of intellectual property on the technique of impact on complicated dental caries:

  • A method of treating chronic destructive periodontitis;
  • Method of evaluating effectiveness of treatment of chronic destructive periodontitis by treatment of root canals with liquids for deep fluoridation and ultrasound;

Has 12 acts of introduction into the treatment scheme of complicated caries in medical institutions of Ukraine.

He defended his dissertation on the topic: «Justification of the choice of drug treatment of root canal and sealers the treatment of chronic periodontitis».

Participated in seminars and courses:


  • «Occlusal splints. Basic knowledge for practical use». Trainer: Ara Geokchian, Kyiv.


  • «Masters International Dental Congress», Kyiv.


  • "Implantation in everyday practice", Cherkassy


  • Dentistry changing the life. Dr. Miguel Stanley. Kyiv


  • "105 years of the Kharkov Dental Society", speakers Ryabokon E.M., Ugrin M.M.;
  • "Application of hyaluronic acid in the treatment of gingivitis", Kiev;
  • "Dentistry during the crisis", Oleg Katyukhin;
  • "Implantation in an aesthetically significant zone", Kyiv;


  • "Endodontic treatment. Innovative methods of root canal obturation", main speaker Ladygina L.A., 26.02.2015 - 23.04.2015;
  • "Criminal, civil and administrative responsibility of agents of medical service provisionning", lecturer Dmitry Yatsenko, Taras Baranov;
  • "Periodontal state after a heart attack and on the background of ASA intake", Kutsevlyak V.F.;
  • "Clinical experience in the application of CT-diagnostics in the planning of orthopedic treatment";


  • "Spatial model of placement of veneers taking into account the dimensions and shape of the dentitions. Tasks and methods of implementation", Kharkov;


  • "Creating aesthetic restoration of anterior teeth by composite materials", Kharkov;
  • "Photodynamic therapy in therapeutic dentistry", lecturer Tsiganova N.B.;


  • "Pink Aesthetics", Kharkov;
  • "Successful prosthetics", Kharkov;
  • "Application of bicortical implant systems of immediate loading in reconstructive maxillofacial surgery";


  • "Modern microprosthetics: whole piece inlays, ceramic and different multi-rooted inlays. Peculiarities of preparation, making impressions, mistakes", Kyiv;
Statistics of dentist orthopedist Vadim Dnestranskiy 2023
Number of consultations 864
Veneers 312
All porcelain crowns 130
Full anatomical zirconium dioxide dental crows 266
VIDEO WITH A DR. Dnestranskiy V.
VIDEO REVIEWS OF DR. Dnestranskiy V.
Examples of the work of Dr. Dnestranskiy V.
Photo with doctor Dnestranskiy V.
Date of publication: 29.08.2017
Date of edit: 02.01.2024
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